The High Court has released former Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren on bail. He was released from Birsa Munda Jail in Ranchi. On this occasion, his supporters including his wife Kalpana were present to welcome him. On February 1, Hemant Soren was sent to Birsa Munda Central Jail. Now after 150 days, he has come out of jail. A large number of JMM supporters welcomed Soren when he came out of jail. Hemant Soren welcomed the workers by waving his hand. After being released from jail, Soren took the blessings of his father and JMM chief Shibu Soren.
A single bench of Justice Rongon Mukhopadhyay granted bail to former Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren. The order passed by Justice Mukhopadhyay said, “The applicant is directed to be released on bail on one surety amount of Rs 50,000 and two sureties of the same amount.” Expressing happiness over the court’s decision, Jharkhand Chief Minister Champai Soren said on social media, ‘Truth may suffer, but not be defeated.’ Satyameva Jayate.” It is written so.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee also expressed happiness over former Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren getting bail. In a post on Instagram, Mamata expressed hope that Hemant Soren will definitely start his full political activities after being released on bail. “Jharkhand’s tribal leader Hemant Soren had to resign from the post of Chief Minister due to a case. Today he got bail from the High Court! I am very happy with this. I am sure he will get bail. Hemant will start his public activities immediately,” she said.
RJD spokesperson Shakti Singh Yadav also said, ‘The court’s decision is always welcome. It is welcomed even today. Satyameva Jayate, truth has won. Hemant Soren, who was the elected Chief Minister, was put in jail by the goons of the incompetent government by filing a fake case against him. It is said that no one can forget this chapter in the history of the country.
In the land scam, the ED arrested Hemant Soren on January 31 after questioning him for about eight hours. After this, he reached Raj Bhavan in ED custody at 8.30 pm and resigned from the post of Chief Minister. The bench of Justice Rangan Mukhopadhyay of Jharkhand High Court reserved the decision on Hemant Soren’s bail plea on June 13 after completing three days of deliberation and hearing. When the news of getting bail from the court came out on Friday, there was a wave of happiness among the leaders of the coalition government and Soren’s supporters.