A reverse Ganga trend has started in BJP. After the Lok Sabha defeat, the BJP has suffered its first blow. Former MLA of BJP has given Paksala ticket. Former MLA Ramesh Kuthe has resigned from the party membership. There is a strong talk of Ramesh Kuthe joining the Congress. Kuthe must have met Congress state president Nana Patole a few days ago. That is why Kuthe is said to be in Congress tomorrow.
Ramesh Kuthe is a former BJP MLA. He is the Ram Ram banana of BJP. Ramesh Kuthe formerly belonged to Shiv Sena. Donada Gondia from Shiv Sena would have been elected from the assembly constituency. He must have joined BJP six months ago. Devendra Fadnavis assured to contest assembly elections in 2019 assembly elections. But it is not done, newcomers from the party are not getting respect, casteism has been alleged by former MLA Ramesh Kuthe.
Bawankule Speech Eklam N…
The speech of BJP State President Chandrasekhar Bawankule was held at Deshpande Auditorium, Nagpur. Responsible for organizing programs for the study of East Vidarbha Lok Sabha candidates. At that time Bawankule told us that there is a lot of trouble going on. We have a lot of people here. have come with their requests. So say yes to whoever comes. Whatever he asks, tell him. But you can’t please everyone. So you will get 100 and the next layer will be five. But after five days you would have said 95 plus Rahu, Asana Bavankul. After listening to Bawankule’s speech, I realized that there is no need for the petitioner to preach it. I want to fool you. Then the thought of leaving the party came to my mind and the day dawned, said Asan Kuthe.
BJP is anti-OBC
BJP is an anti-OBC party. Or nothing is said in the interest of OBCs. He has claimed that BJP is washing its hands of OBC promises to Marathas.
Patole offered
I had an eye operation. That is why small patole must have come there with garlands. At that time he offered to join the Congress. I told them because I thought about it. After which there was a dialogue with the workers. After that there was a universal request to quit the BJP. Late night BJP workers would have said otherwise, but he clarified otherwise.
Love shivsenever
I can’t say anything about the attitude of the front players. Shivsenwar is still my love. I have a good relationship with Nana Patole. So, I cannot comment further, he said.