In the weekend episode of Bigg Boss OTT 3, Anil Kapoor eliminated Vadapav girl Chandrika Gera Dixit from the show. Indeed, Armaan Malik, who entered the show along with Chandrika Gera Dixit, UP’s famous social media influencer Shivani Kumari, Elvis Yadav’s friend Lavkesh Kataria, Vishal Pandey and two wives, was nominated to leave the Bigg Boss house. Chandrika Dixit was eliminated from the show due to getting less votes than these four contestants. In an exclusive conversation with TV9 Hindi Digital, Delhi’s vadapav girl Chandrika Gera Dixit said that she wants Ranveer Shorey to win the Bigg Boss OTT 3 trophy. Watch Chandrika’s full interview here.
EXCLUSIVE: Neither Armaan Malik, nor Lavkesh Kataria..Vada Pav Girl Considers This Contestant As Bigg Boss OTT 3 Winner
By Arun Sharma
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