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Etawah: Knocked to the ground, stomped on his chest, then beaten with sticks… Aunt brutally beats crippled nephew.

Nita Yadav

By Nita Yadav

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The women brutally beat up the two youths

A video of Eta from UP is going viral on social media. In the video, the woman, her daughter and son are seen beating up the two youths. The battering youth is said to be disabled. The woman’s son is seen sitting on the youth and beating him badly. A woman’s daughter and son are beating two youths with sticks in a land dispute. After this matter came to the notice of the police, the police took action against the woman’s son and two brothers of the victim for disturbing the peace. The viral video is said to be two days old.

Both the injured youths are family members of the woman. The woman is his aunt. This matter is related to real estate. In the viral video, it can be clearly seen how the woman and her daughter are sitting on the disabled youth and beating him. A hockey stick is also seen in the woman’s hand.

Video viral on social media

A woman, her daughter and son beat up two brothers in Moonj village of Chaubia police station in Etawah, the video of which is going viral on social media. The incident is said to have taken place two days ago. The police station had issued challans under the disturbing the peace section against the two youths, the woman’s son and three others who were beaten up last Tuesday. Anurudh Munj, who was beaten in the viral video, is a resident of the village.

Action was taken only against those affected

The victim said that after her father’s death, her uncle and aunt created a forged will of 7 bigha land inherited by her father. After getting the information, he filed a case and got the fake will rejected. After this half of the land was registered about four months ago. On Monday, he was going to plant paddy in the field along with his brother Sachin, when his aunt, along with her son and daughter, beat him up with sticks. When he reached the police station to lodge a report, the police made two brothers Anurud and Sachin sit in the police station and on the other side challaned only three people, including Arjun, while taking no action against the assaulting women. Viral video.

(Reporting by Uvaish Chaudhary, Etawah)

Nita Yadav

Nita Yadav

I am Nita Yadav, specializing in writing about politics and breaking national news. My focus is on delivering insightful and timely perspectives on these crucial topics, aiming to inform and engage my readers effectively.

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