ED (Enforcement Directorate) team has once again raided Jharkhand’s capital Ranchi. The raid was conducted at the Cheshire Home Road and Kanke residence of land dealer Kamlesh Kumar. ED searched many documents related to the land scam at Kamlesh’s house. During the investigation, ED recovered Rs 1 crore in cash, a pistol and 100 live cartridges from his Kanke residence. ED has seized the items found. ED team is now investigating where the Rs 1 crore came from.
A few days ago, ED had called land dealer Kamlesh for questioning. However, despite being summoned, he did not appear at the ED office to answer. Therefore, ED raided his house. ED has arrested land dealer Shekhar Kushwaha in the land scam case. He is currently in the custody of the Enforcement Directorate. After Kushwaha, Kamlesh also came under pressure from ED, this is being considered a big setback for former Chief Minister Hemant Soren.
The ED team is continuously investigating the land scam case. So far, many people including former Chief Minister Hemant Soren, former Deputy Commissioner of Ranchi Chhavi Ranjan, revenue employee Bhanu Pratap have been arrested in this case. Former Chief Minister Hemant Soren has denied the allegations against him. He had also applied for bail in the court. After hearing the arguments of both the parties, the High Court has reserved its decision.
Antu Tirkey, arrested in the land scam case, has earned crores of rupees by selling land before the Enforcement Directorate. It has been admitted that the land was traded with the help of fake documents. He has also revealed the names of the people involved in the case.