Madhya Pradesh Minister Narayan Singh Kushwaha has given a unique plan to free men from the habit of drinking alcohol. Minister Narayan Singh Kushwaha advised women to ask their husbands to drink at home instead of going out to help men break the habit of drinking. So the alcoholic feels ashamed of drinking alcohol in front of his family and children and he gradually withdraws from drinking alcohol and gives up this habit.
In fact, Minister Kushwaha was addressing a program on “Vysan Mukti Abhiyan” in Bhopal on Friday, during which he gave this advice to women. The video of which quickly went viral on social media. However, the matter took a political turn when the opposition Congress also reacted to his remarks saying that his suggestion would lead to incidents of domestic violence.
The minister gave strange advice
Addressing the public in the addiction free campaign, the social justice minister of the state said that the biggest contribution of men in giving up the habit of alcohol is the women, mothers and sisters of the house. Pointing to the women, he said that first of all they should tell their husbands not to drink alcohol outside the market. He further said that women should tell their husbands that if you want to drink, drink in front of the family. This will gradually reduce their drinking habit.
Wives asked to show rolling pin to husband
Husbands who drink alcohol in front of their wives and children will be ashamed. The minister further said that wives should also tell their husbands that if they continue to drink like this, their children will also start drinking in future. He said that women should form a local group and show the cylinder to people who have a habit of drinking alcohol.
Speaking to reporters later, the minister said that men feel ashamed of drinking alcohol in front of their children at home and they will gradually give up the habit. Children will also ask their fathers not to drink alcohol, which will have a positive effect on them, he said.
Attack on Congress leader
Reacting to Kushwaha’s statement, Congress leader Sangeeta Sharma said that by giving such advice, the minister is promoting domestic violence. Sangeeta Sharma said, drugs and alcohol are the main cause of domestic violence. She claimed that more than 17,000 cases related to alcohol-induced domestic violence are pending before the Madhya Pradesh Women’s Commission. Sharma said that the minister is encouraging women to use rolling pins against their husbands, which will lead to domestic violence. The Congress leader said, the minister should apologize for his remarks.