Why is Mukesh Khanna angry?
Shah Rukh Khan, Ajay Devgan and Akshay Kumar added Vimal Pan Masala. There have been many trolls for this. Akshay Kumar received a lot of criticism after this ad, so he decided to distance himself from the brand. While, Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgn are still associated with the brand. Recently, John Abraham pointedly targeted the advertisers of Pan Masala. He was seen saying that on one hand stars talk so much about fitness and on the other they advertise pan masala which is very dangerous. However, he did not name anyone. Now the statement of Mukesh Khanna has also come out in this matter. Mukesh Khanna recently opened up about actors adding pan masala.
Mukesh Khanna in his recent interview said about pan masala artists that people who do this should be killed. It was further stated that Akshay Kumar has also been scolded for making such an announcement.
Mukesh Khanna is angry with actors who add pan masala
Recently, Mukesh Khanna gave an interview to Bollywood Bubble. Meanwhile, the actor was questioned about the betting app and artists promoting pan masala. On that he says – if I speak the truth they should be caught and killed. I told Akshay Kumar too. He has also been hit. First, the man is very conscious of health, he says about it – manners. Ajay Devgn also respects. Now Shah Rukh Khan has also started paying tribute. Crores of rupees are spent on this advertisement. What does this teach you people? It is said that we do not call pan masala but betel nut. Hey sir Gutkha is sold in his name. If someone advertises Kingfisher bottoms, it means it is advertising beer. As everyone knows, this is called misleading advertising.
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Mukesh Khanna did not stop after saying this. He goes on to say – Why do these people do this? Don’t they have money? He further says, I also told you not to do all this sir. You have a lot of money. Many actors even withdrew the advertisement. Akshay Kumar has withdrawn it. About Amitabh Bachchan, Mukesh Khanna said that even Amitabh Bachchan said that he does not know how it is used.
In fact, Akshay Kumar has faced a lot of trolling for promoting Pan Masala. In such a situation, he also apologized to the fans through X. Meanwhile, he announced his withdrawal from campaigning. He said he had terminated his contract with the ad. However, he is still appearing in it as he will be appearing as long as the contract lasts. He also said that he will use the money from this advertisement for some social cause.