State Finance Minister Ajit Pawar has made many big announcements during the budget. Only the girl could execute this plan. The government has implemented schemes only for farmers, workers and youth. That is why big schemes have been announced for women. In view of the election, the government after the announcement today, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has implemented a new scheme. Or as per the plan the state government is going to organize Devdarshan for senior citizens.
Shinde Gattach MLA Pratap Saranaik may have demanded the implementation of Chief Minister’s Senior Citizen Pilgrimage Scheme in the Assembly. Senior citizens want to go to Devdarshanalaya, but due to financial condition they cannot go. So, if this plan is implemented, senior citizens will be able to have God darshan, Pratap Saranaik would have made such a demand or goal. Speaking on it, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has implemented this scheme.
Scheme for all religions
Chief Minister will implement Tirtha Darshan scheme for senior citizens. While starting the Chief Minister Tirtha Yojana I have to decide the rules, look at the cost and other things. For this, online applications have been invited from senior citizens who are deprived of their wish and vision as Devdarshan Khadel is taking this decision. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde told the assembly that the scheme is applicable to all religions.
Hence the plan analysis
Chief Minister Eknath Shinde interacted with the media after making an important announcement in the assembly itself. At this time he gave detailed information about the plan. We have announced many schemes through the budget. Chief Minister Ladki Bahin Yojana Kelly. Kelly scheme for unemployed youth. Mulichya Moffat decided to pursue higher education. The farmers took the decision unanimously. A decision was made only for action. Today MLA Pratap Saranaik would have been Lakshyavedi Anali.
He may have made such a demand under the Chief Minister’s Senior Citizen Pilgrimage Scheme. Senior citizens have a desire to see God. But not everyone is financially viable, so there was a demand to start Jyeshtha Muktri Tirtha Darshan Yojana. There are four Dhams, Hindu, Jain, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist pilgrimage sites. People of other religions go to their places of pilgrimage on the Hajj pilgrimage. But Jyestha could not go due to financial difficulties. So whoever wants to go. will take them there. The Chief Minister said that this scheme is for this purpose.
policy makers
Many MLAs take the senior citizens of Aappalya constituency on a yatra every year. So the Chief Minister has decided to start the Devdarshan Tirtha Kshetra Yojana. Policy will be determined. The biorotation number will be determined. Applications will be accepted, said Chief Minister Shinde.