Four female students have died after drowning in a lake in Rajasthan’s Chittorgarh district. The girls were returning home from school. Meanwhile, a student stopped to bathe in the lake. While bathing in the lake he slowly went into deep water. Seeing her fellow student drowning, three other students tried to save her, but they too drowned while saving their friend, resulting in the death of all four students.
The case is of Biloda village in Dungla police station area. Four female students have died due to drowning in the lake here. While returning from school, a student stopped to bathe in the Gatola lake and in the process started drowning. Three other female students also entered the water in an attempt to save her. The students did not realize the depth of the water, due to which the three girls who came to save her also drowned.
4 girl students have died due to drowning in the lake
A student who was standing outside the lake at the time of the accident, saw other people drowning and reported the incident to the villagers, after which the villagers reached the spot and pulled out the four drowned students. Hospital, where a team of doctors declared all four brought dead after examination. The deceased students have been identified as Ganesh Meena’s daughter Narmada (13), Shyam Lal Meena’s daughter Veena (15), Sattu Meena’s daughter Yashoda (12) and Motilal Meena’s daughter Kamal (14).
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After the incident, the Cooperation Minister reached the spot
After this incident, the family members of the four students are in a bad condition and are crying. Also, the whole family is in mourning. Cooperation Minister Gautam Kumar Dak, Sub-Divisional Officer Ishwarlal Khatik, Deputy Superintendent of Police Krishna Samaria, Police Station Officer Ghevarchand reached the spot on receiving the information about the death of the girl students due to drowning in the lake. The police reached the spot and took possession of the bodies and sent them for post-mortem.