Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Ajit Pawar presented the budget today. Ajit Pawar made many big announcements in the budget. Or the budget made huge announcements for women. Domestic gas cylinders were also announced. The issue of gas cylinder availability in the state is always a topic of discussion. Meanwhile, the state government has decided to provide up to 3 domestic gas cylinders for free to some families. The state government’s decision will bring great relief to the general public. Three domestic gas cylinders will be provided free of charge to the beneficiaries under the Chief Minister Annapurna Yojana. But this scheme will not be immediately implemented by everyone. Or are there any rules for the scheme. Or there is information that 56 lakh 16 thousand families of the state will get the benefit of this scheme.
‘OR’ women will get Varshala 3 cylinders free
The same announcement made by Ajit Pawar has been made to console the women of the state. Women’s expenses or house kitchens Bhagwat. Due to which the women became tensed due to the increase in the price of gas cylinders. Women have to reduce the cost of financial planning due to rising costs. Therefore, the state government has announced a plan to provide three cylinders free of charge to 56 lakh 16 thousand women of the state. Women having BPL ration card i.e. Pilan and Keshari ration card will get year 3 cylinder money directly in their account. A total of 56 lakh 16 thousand women of the state will get direct benefit from it.
What are the things announced for women in the budget?
- The ‘Talav Ladki’ scheme started from the year 2023-24 – a total of Rs 1 lakh 1 thousand will be provided from the birth of a girl child till she turns 18.
- ‘Mukhya Mantri Mari Ladki Bahu Yojana’, Rs. 10,000 in funds – approximately Rs. 46,000 crore annually – provided by the government to deserving women aged 21 to 60 years.
- A person born after 1st May, 2024 will be registered in government documents with his name, first name, father’s name and first name or binding factor for the order.
- Pink e Rickshaw – 17 cities and 10 thousand women, financial assistance to buy rickshaws – Rs 80 crore fund
- Under the “Shubhamangal Group Registered Marriage” scheme, the grant to be given to the beneficiary mothers is Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 25,000 will be upto.
- Equipment and literature for breast and cervical cancer screening in all health sub-centres of the state Rs. 78 crores.
- Moffat has provided 3 thousand 324 ambulances to hospitals, especially pregnant women and children’s health institutions.
- Under the Jal Jeevan Mission program, 1 crore 25 lakh 66 thousand 986 households have been given water connections in rural areas and work is in progress for 21 lakh 4 thousand 932 households.
- ‘Mukhyamantri Annapurna Yojana’ – Varsha Gharti will provide three gas cylinders free of charge – benefiting 52 lakh 16 thousand 412 beneficiary families.
- Lakhpati Didi – Establishment of 7 lakh new dams under Maharashtra State Rural Development Campaign – Savings dam fund amount increased from 15 thousand to 30 thousand rupees.
- The aim is to make 15 lakh women ‘Lakhpati Didi’ or 25 lakh women Lakhpati in a year through products manufactured by Mahila Bachat Bank, ‘Umaid Mart’ and ‘E-Commerce Online Platform’.
- ‘Punyashlok Ahilya Devi Holkar Women’s Startup Scheme’ for Women Small Entrepreneurs – Organized All India Level Mega Conference in the State
- Under the ‘I Scheme’, women small entrepreneurs in the tourism sector will get interest on loans up to Rs 15 lakh – creating 10 thousand jobs.
- Mullina Moffat Higher Education – From academic year 2024-25, 100% tuition fee and examination fee for all professional degrees and degree courses related to engineering, architecture, pharmaceuticals, medicine and agriculture for non-family born students. Annual Rs. 8 lakh, as well as 100 percent tuition fee and examination fee for economically weaker section students
- Or the estimated benefit of the decision is 2 lakh 5 thousand 499 rupees, which is 2 thousand crore rupees.