India’s golden boy Neeraj Chopra has once again brought pride and honour to the country by winning the silver medal at the Paris Olympics. Motivational speaker and business advisor Dr. Vivek Bindra congratulated Neeraj on his success and told him about his journey so far. Let us also tell you what video Dr. Vivek Bindra has made on Neeraj Chopra and what kind of information he has provided.
where you were born
In his video, Dr. Vivek Bindra said that Neeraj Chopra was born on 24th December 1997 in Khandra village in Haryana. Neeraj is the eldest of the 10 siblings in the family, so he was pampered by all the elders from a very early age. Due to this pampering, his weight reached 80 kg by the time he was just 11 years old. And to reduce this weight, his family thought of getting him into sports and today, we are looking at his inspiring journey from an 80 kg child to becoming a ‘Golden Boy’.
Depression became the reason why Neeraj became the golden boy
Bindra informed in his video that Neeraj Chopra’s weight gain had become a problem for him in his childhood, he was often teased and bullied. Due to this mental stress, Neeraj soon went into depression. To get him out of this difficult situation, his uncle decided to steer him towards sports. His uncle wanted Neeraj to play cricket or football so that he could lose weight. But fearing that his peers would tease him, Neeraj chose javelin throw as he would have to play alone. Initially, Neeraj’s family did not like his decision very much, but Neeraj stood firm on his decision and kept working hard at this game. In just two years he became a state-level champion. Now, the next step towards success required a good coach to teach him the techniques related to this game.
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I had to work at the restaurant.
In the video, he tells that in such a situation, Neeraj decided to learn javelin throwing techniques from YouTube, but the biggest obstacle was that he did not have a mobile phone. To overcome this problem, Neeraj decided to work at a dhaba in Panchkula. He saved money by working at a dhaba and with that money, he bought a mobile phone. With the help of this mobile phone, he started learning sports-related techniques from YouTube. The entire country saw the fruits of Neeraj Chopra’s hard work when he won India’s first gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics on August 7, 2020. But before this historic victory, he had to face a painful situation.
When the doctor forbade me to play
During the preparation for the Tokyo Olympics, Neeraj fell while training and suffered a serious injury to his elbow. This was the same hand he used to throw the javelin with, and now he couldn’t even pick up a spoon with the same hand. Even after this, Neeraj didn’t give up and continued training the rest of his body until his elbow healed. The result was that he brought the first gold for India and became the Golden Boy of India. Today, on August 7, National Javelin Day is celebrated across the country.
Now, once again Neeraj has etched his name in the pages of history by winning the silver medal at the Olympics. Along with congratulating Neeraj Chopra on his victory, Dr. Vivek Bindra has shared some special stories related to his journey on his YouTube channel. You can watch these special videos related to Neeraj Chopra by visiting Dr. Vivek Bindra’s YouTube channel.