“Under the Women Financial Independence, Self-reliance Chief Minister Majhi Ladki Behen Yojana, eligible women between the ages of 21 and 60 will be provided Rs 1500 per month by the government. A fund of Rs 46 thousand crore will be made available every year for this scheme. This scheme will be implemented from July 2024” This was announced by Finance Minister Ajit Pawar. Today Ajit Pawar presented the supplementary budget for the year 2024-25. For the last few days, there was a lot of discussion about the ‘Chief Minister Majhi Ladki Behen’ scheme. On the lines of Madhya Pradesh, this scheme has also been implemented in Maharashtra. Ajit Pawar announced the Chief Minister Majhi Ladki Behen Yojana. Meanwhile, we have started progress by keeping women at the center. We had announced the women’s policy. Changes were made in it from time to time. Ajit Pawar said that recently the eight-point women’s policy has been announced.
Budget 2024: Are you between 21 and 60 years of age? So get 1500 rupees per month, what is the ‘Mukhyamantri Ladli Behan’ scheme?
By Ritul Pandey
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