Bollywood actor Aamir Khan bought an apartment in a luxurious residential building in Pali Hills in Bandra West, Mumbai, for around Rs 10 crore. According to property registration documents obtained by real estate consulting firm, Khan has transferred a residential property in his name in the Mumbai suburb of Bandra. The actor bought this property for Rs 9.75 crore.
this is the specialty
The property is ready to move into and its size is approximately 1,027 square feet (carpeted area). A stamp duty of Rs 58.5 lakh and a registration fee of Rs 30,000 is imposed in this deal. The property is located in Bella Vista Apartments, a high-rise residential building located in the Pali Hills area. Pali Hills is one of the most famous and popular residential areas in Mumbai. Known for its tranquil surroundings and lush green views, Pali Hills is completely different from the hustle and bustle of the city.
This is the net worth
Aamir Khan, popularly known as Mr. Perfectionist, is known for doing different types of films. Aamir Khan, who has directed dozens of hit films like Dangal and PK, has assets worth Rs 1,862 crore. He has a luxurious villa in Beverly Hills worth Rs 75 million. Let us tell you that the Panchgani farm built for Khan and his family is spread over two acres of greenery. He bought it for 7 million rupees. This explains his luxurious life.
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they like cars
Rolls Royce Ghost is also included in its fleet of luxury vehicles. There is also a luxury car priced between Rs 6.95 million and Rs 7.95 million. Khan, who is fond of luxury cars, has a wonderful collection of cars, which also includes the Mercedes-Benz S600. Priced at a staggering Rs 10.50 crore, this luxurious car showcases Khan’s luxury.