The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) announced the formation of two committees for the proposed assembly elections in Haryana. The names of the members of the State Election Committee and the State Election Management Committee were announced on Saturday. 20 BJP leaders including Manohar Lal Khattar, Rao Indrajit and Krishnapal Gurjar have been kept in the state election committee.
At the same time, the State Election Management Committee has been handed over to Haryana BJP President Mohan Lal Badoli. This list has been announced by BJP’s Haryana in-charge Satish Punia. In which former Chief Minister Bhajan Lal’s son Kuldeep Bishnoi has been assigned a very important responsibility. He has also been appointed as a member of the State Election Committee and convener of the State Election Management Committee.
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Kiran Chaudhary and his daughter Shruti Chaudhary, who left the Congress and joined the BJP, did not get a place in any committee. Along with this, former Home Minister and BJP leader Vij has not been included in any committee. Along with this, the name of BJP MP from Kurukshetra Naveen Jindal is not in any committee, while former MP Sunita Duggal has got place in both the committees.
Kuldeep Bishnoi got a double responsibility
State President of Bharatiya Janata Party Haryana @mohanlal_badoli By National President Shri @JPNadda After discussion with G and Central leadership, State Election Committee and State Election Management Committee have been appointed for Assembly Elections 2024.
– Haryana BJP (@BJP4Haryana) August 10, 2024
Ranjit Chautala’s name is also not in any committee, while Union Minister of State Rao Indrajit and his rival BJP Parliamentary Board member Sudha Yadav have been included in the committee.
Let us tell you that Kuldeep Bishnoi met Prime Minister Narendra Modi last month. He proposed to play an important role in the elections. In view of this, Kuldeep Bishnoi has been appointed as Member of State Election Committee and Convener of State Election Management Committee.
Which leaders are included in which committee?
State Election Committee: In which State President Mohan Lal Badoli, CM Naib Saini, Union Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, Rao Indrajit Singh, National Secretary OP Dhankhar, Assembly Speaker Gyan Chand Gupta, Minister JP Dalal, Bhiwani-Mahendragarh MP Chaudhary Dharambir Singh, State Organization General Secretary. Fanindranath Sharma, State General Secretary Krishna Bedi, Mahila Morcha State President Usha Priyadarshi, Former MP Kuldeep Bishnoi, Krishnapal Gurjar, BJP Parliamentary Board Member, Former MP Sudha Yadav, Former Minister Ram Bilas Sharma, Rajya Sabha MP Ramchandra Jangra, Arvind Sharma, Former MP Vs. . MP Sunita Duggal, AC Morcha state president Satyaprakash Jarawata have been included.
State Election Management Committee: The committee has appointed Mohanlal Badoli as chairman, while Kuldeep Bishnoi has been appointed as convener and Krishna Panwar and Vedapal Advocate as co-convenors. Along with this, Om Prakash Dhankhar, Sunita Duggal, Vipul Goyal, Renu Dabla, Captain Bhupendra, Usha Priyadarshi, Arvind Yadav, Manas Deka, Varindra Garg, Mayor Madan Chauhan, Praveen Jain, Rajiv Jaitley, Arun Yadav, Aditya Chawla, Sunil Rathwa, Ra. Manoj Sharma, Sanchit Nandal, Madan Goyal, Umesh Sharma, Krishnamurthy Hooda, Jawahar Yadav, Ajay Bansal, Sandeep Joshi, GL Sharma, Sunita Dangi, Nagendra Sharma, Dr. Balwan and Colonel Rajendra Suhag have been made members.