State Chief Minister Eknath Shinde got Rakhi tied by women after implementing the ‘Larki Behan Yojana’. On the lines of Madhya Pradesh, Ladki Behan Yojana has been implemented in Maharashtra too. Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Ajit Pawar had announced this ambitious Ladki Behan Yojana while presenting the interim budget yesterday. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde announced that an ordinance has been issued in the legislature today to implement this scheme. After this, women thanked Chief Minister Eknath Shinde in a unique way by tying Rakhi to him.
On the lines of Madhya Pradesh, Ladki Behen Yojana has been implemented in the state. Under this scheme, women will get Samman Nidhi. The interim budget of the state was presented yesterday. This scheme has been announced in it. Under this scheme, the government will provide Rs 1,500 per month to women aged 21 to 60 years. This scheme has been implemented to make the women of Maharashtra self-reliant. The benefit of this scheme will be given to married, widowed, divorced, abandoned and destitute women aged 21 to 60 years from economically weaker sections. Women whose combined annual family income is less than Rs 2.50 lakh will be given Rs 1,500 per month.
Women benefit in ST
Half ticket scheme for women in ST Corporation was implemented in the state last year. This has greatly benefited women in traveling on ST. ST Corporation provides free travel facility to girls for education up to graduation level. Therefore, there is a huge benefit in empowering women. In ST, senior citizens between 65 and 75 years are given 50 percent discount and senior citizens above 75 years are given free travel concession.