A strange case has come to light in Uttar Pradesh’s Bareilly, where a one-and-a-half-month-old baby lost his life due to the carelessness of a barber. While family members were circumcising the newborn, the barber cut the wrong vein, resulting in the newborn’s death. The police have registered a case under section 105 against the accused barber. After committing the crime, the accused barber has absconded. The police are busy looking for the barber.
The entire case is from Shivpuri village in East Police Station area of ​​Fateganj. One and a half month old Armaan died after circumcision. Masoom’s father Sharif Ahmed is not in a good financial condition. For this reason, he was looking for an arrangement to get the baby circumcised. Then he met the barber Kabir who asked him to perform the circumcision himself. Rafiq agrees to have his child circumcised. Kabir Barber performed the circumcision of the child on 11th August at 11:30 am for ₹500. After the circumcision, his wrong vein was cut and he started bleeding. By the time the family could figure something out, a lot of blood had flowed.
The child became unconscious due to bleeding and later the child died. In this case, Sharif Ahmed, the father of the children, has lodged an FIR under section 105 BS against the barber Kabir. After registering an FIR in this case, the police took the child’s body into their custody and sent it for postmortem. The accused barber has absconded after committing the incident. Police are busy looking for the accused.
Pediatrician Dr. Sandeep Varshney says that if there are any social customs, it should be done by a specialist. The operation should be performed by a surgeon. This kind of work should not be done by an outsider and neither by family members. Circumcision is a surgical procedure and carries the risk of sepsis. There is also a risk of bleeding. There may be some other complications as well. In such a situation, if there is any problem in the circumcision, the specialist deals with it.
Circumcision can be dangerous if performed by an outsider rather than a skilled person. Many such cases have come to light. In this case, it is being said that the family was poor and the barber performed the circumcision for ₹ 500, then such people should go to government hospitals and medical colleges where surgeons perform the operation free of cost.