The Maratha and OBC conflict has started once again in Maharashtra. The stir which was silent during the Lok Sabha elections has started once again. On one hand, the hunger strike of Maratha protest leader Manoj Jarange in Jalna of Marathwada, while the hunger strike of OBC leaders Professor Laxman Hek and Waghmare, which was going on for the last ten days, has ended today after the government’s order. It was assured that the Ceasefire Ordinance will not be implemented immediately. On the other hand, AIMIM chief and Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi has strongly attacked the central government regarding reservation.
Governments are fighting each other
Asaduddin Owaisi posted a post on X platform. In this, he has said that during the elections, Modi had said that the reservation of OBC, SC, ST community is under threat from Muslims. Reservation has created tension between OBC and Maratha communities because the reservation limit has been limited to 50 percent. In India, minorities, backward, backward are fighting for bread and others are eating the cream. In the upcoming session of Parliament, the Charles government should pass a special law and remove this 50 percent limit.
See MP Asaduddin Owaisi’s post here-
During elections, Modi used to say that reservation of OBC, SC, ST community is under threat from Muslims. Today there is tension between OBC and Maratha community over reservation because the limit of reservation has been limited to 50 percent. Minorities, backward, backward classes of India are being made to fight for dry bread and cream…
— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) 22 June 2024
Manoj Jarange’s claim
The Patna High Court has cancelled the decision to increase the reservation limit from 50 percent to 65 percent in government jobs and educational institutions in Bihar. After this, the issue of Maratha and OBC reservation has heated up in Maharashtra. OBCs have opposed giving reservation to Marathas from OBC quota. The indefinite hunger strike of OBC leaders Prof. Laxman Hek and Navnath Waghmare in Marathwada for the last ten days has finally ended after the intervention of the state government’s executive committee. However, Maratha community leader Manoj Jarange has opposed the government’s decision not to implement the SEZSAYOR ordinance. Manoj Jarange Patil has said that there are 8 to 9 anti-Maratha people in the government and I will soon reveal their names.