The serial ‘Tujhayat Jeev Rangla’ on Zee Marathi made Maharashtra crazy. In this series, the pair of Ranada and Anjalibai made a place in the hearts of the audience.
The pair of Ranada and Anjalibai was equally popular onscreen. Fans love them a lot in real life too. Such comments can be seen on social media.
Akshay Deodhar and Hardik Joshi will tie the knot in 2022. The off-screen chemistry of these two is also amazing. Sharing this photo, Akshay wrote, My home, my heart, my safe place.
Fans react to the posts of both. The short form of Akshay and Hardik’s name has been changed to #aha. Very nice photo #aha fan commented.
Awesome couple. You both look great together. A fan commented, best wishes to both of you. A netizen said that I want to see you both together again.