A unique case related to the education department has come to light in Madhya Pradesh’s Rewa district. Where 11 teachers of a government higher secondary school in Badrao village of the district declared themselves to be suffering from brain tumor and other diseases to avoid transfer. Surprisingly, teachers who were diagnosed with brain tumors are completely healthy. Collector Pratibha Pal of Rewa has decided to form a board for medical checkup of all teachers. After which there was a commotion. The teachers have written that they have no such illness.
One reason after another has emerged for the steady decline in the standard of education in MP’s government schools. In fact, the transfer policy was introduced in 2022, exempting employees suffering from critical illness from transfer. To avoid transfer, some teachers deliberately made wrong feeding on the portal. 11 teachers of a government higher secondary school located in Badron of Rewa district declared themselves to be suffering from brain tumor and other diseases.
The teachers claimed to be healthy
According to the information, the teachers who were told that they are suffering from a dangerous disease like brain tumor are claiming to be perfectly healthy. All the teachers prepared the application form and submitted it to their senior officers. The question is, when these teachers were reported to be suffering from brain tumors since 2022, then why no official has investigated the matter till date.
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The principal of the government higher secondary school says that none of the teachers we have are suffering from such ailment. Teachers themselves have also written. Is this a system or computer glitch or was it done deliberately in which they are described as victims. He said that this is a subject of investigation. The teachers themselves applied and informed the concerned authorities that they had no disease. When the matter came to the notice of Collector Pratibha Pal of Rewa, he immediately decided to form a board for medical training of all teachers suffering from brain tumours.