A sensational case of murder has come to light in Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh. Five friends killed a youth in Kharupura village of Barla police station area. First, the accused’s friends took him to the field on the pretext of planting paddy. He was given a lot of alcohol there. When he was drunk, he killed her and buried her body there. After the incident was reported to the police, the police along with the FSL team reached the spot. The police removed the body from the ground and sent it for post-mortem. Four accused friends were also arrested. Another accused friend is still absconding.
Sohanlal, the elder brother of the deceased youth Raju, said that Rajendra and his four friends from the same village had taken his 35-year-old brother Raju as a laborer to plant paddy in the field, where he fell on the ground after planting the paddy. His brother Raju went to the field to sow crops with his five friends, promising to pay in advance, he did not return home till late night, causing the family to worry about his family members. The villagers started searching for him without any delay, but despite many searches, there was no trace of Raju.
First made him drink heavily, then killed him
After this the family members called his brother Raju along with him to the field and the youths of the village reached Rajendra’s house and took information from him about his brother. Inquiries revealed that Rajendra and Rakshapal, along with his nephew Suresh and two others, had drunk alcohol with his brother in the fields, where Rajendra and his four friends killed his brother Raju and dumped the body in a ditch. The family was shocked when they got the news of Raju’s murder by five people from the same village.
The family members of the deceased beat up the accused
After this, the family members caught Rajendra and his three friends from the spot and beat them up badly. Another accused, a security guard, committed the crime and fled from the spot before being apprehended by family members, after which the family members informed the police late at night of the killing of their brother by five people from the same village. On receiving the information, the local police reached the spot and arrested the four accused and took them to the police station.
The body of the youth was found near the brick kiln
On Monday morning, when the people of Datavali village found his brother’s body lying in a deep pit near the brick kiln, they called and informed his family about his death. As soon as the news of the brother’s body was received, the family along with the villagers reached the spot, where his brother’s body was buried in a deep pit near the kiln. When the dead brother’s body was found, the family informed the police. As soon as the information was received, the local police reached the spot along with the forensic team. The police reached the spot and took possession of the body and sent it to the morgue for postmortem.
CO Sergeana Singh informed about the incident
CO Barla Sergeana Singh said that on the morning of July 22, the police received information about a dead body in the Barla police station area. As soon as the information was received, the local police and FSL team immediately reached the spot. After identifying the dead youth’s body, the police informed his family about his death. As soon as the information was received, the family members reached the spot, after which the police registered the dead body and sent it to the mortuary for postmortem.
Along with this, based on the complaint of the relatives of the deceased youth, the police registered a case against five people of the village in the police station, in which the arrest of four people was also ensured. Police teams have been formed at the police station level to nab other accused. Investigation is going on in this matter.