Maharashtra Police has got a big information. Intelligence agencies have received inputs that there is a threat to the life of NCP leader Ajit Pawar. According to information received by the Maharashtra Police from sources, Ajit Pawar or his convoy may be attacked in the changed political environment. After this information, there is fear among Maharashtra Police and Ajith’s supporters.
According to inputs from intelligence agencies, there may be a major attack on them. The attack may be carried out by extremist organizations.
Strong security system
After the attack threat, Maharashtra Police has said that all possible security arrangements have been made. Their travels and convoys are being monitored and considerations are being made to increase their security. Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar will visit Dhule and Malegaon Central in Jalgaon district tomorrow. The intelligence department has asked the police administration to be cautious during this journey.
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The Ajit group has won one of the two Rajya Sabha seats.
Elections for two Rajya Sabha seats in Maharashtra are going to be held on September 3. These two seats have become vacant after Piyush Goyal and Udayanraj Bhosale went to the Lok Sabha. One seat from the BJP may go to Ajit Pawar’s Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). The names of former Satara MLA Baba Siddiqui and Nitin Patil are being discussed to give one seat to NCP. Baba Siddiqui can be sent to the Rajya Sabha to sway the votes of the minority community towards him.
Many leaders and organizations are against Ajit Pawar due to the ongoing political upheaval in the state. The Ajit group is also being blamed for the poor performance of the NDA in the Lok Sabha elections held in Maharashtra. There are reports that Sangh people are also upset with Ajit Pawar.