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Agriculture based industry can change the face and nature of Bihar, government should seriously consider

Nita Yadav

By Nita Yadav

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Makhana Cultivation in Bihar

Bihar is a state whose economy depends on agriculture. A large part of the state is cultivated. According to an estimate, 76 percent of the state’s 94,163 square kilometer area is cultivated. If we look at the current situation, 72349 square kilometers area is cultivated. While 5713 square kilometers area is forest. In such a situation, it is not at all difficult to estimate that both the face and character of the state can change if better facilities are provided to agro-based industries in the state.

If the government makes a separate provision in the budget for the agro-based industry in the state, then along with the economy of the state, there can also be huge employment opportunities here. Dunya Ram Singh, VC Professor of Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur, says that if the government gets a budget in this sector, Makhana could prove to be better for the state. They say that 90% of the country’s makhana is produced in Bihar. Makhana has no processing unit in Bihar. It goes to other states, where people do their own packaging and branding and sell. Due to which the farmers of Bihar suffer a lot. Government does not get GST if you buy products outside Bihar. This is a big loss for the government.

Makhana is cultivated in many districts of Bihar

Professor Duniya Ram Singh says that today there are at least 15 to 16 districts in Bihar where makhana is being cultivated very well. Bihar has a lot of waterlogged land. Very little of it is of any use to us. It would be better if the farming involved cultivation of butter and fish or a combination of both. Government should pay maximum attention to this. The central government should make provision in the budget for Makhana’s processing unit, a special budget for the entire packaging, branding, marketing i.e. everything under one roof.

People of Bihar will get employment opportunities

All these processes will provide employment to the youth of Bihar, says Professor DR Singh. If Bihar becomes an employer, many people will also become job seekers. In this industry, our Bihar is declining faster than other states of the country. Our incubation center is in Saber itself. Last year, it generated 92 startups. This has many possibilities if there is provision in the budget.

He said that even this hurts a little. Crops that we have responsibility and rights over, we own, but people outside our state are earning many times more money by working on those things. If the budget had made a provision for this, this money would have remained in Bihar. The government should seriously consider this. The diversity and technologies we have developed. Adoption of this technology. There are many possibilities here. Bihar can be taken forward with agriculture by working on this. Bihar’s income can also increase significantly.

Agro-based industry is our best scope

Prof. DR Singh says that if there is scope to work in any sector in Bihar, we have to work in agro-based industry. It has a wide scope. About 92% of our state is farmers who are involved in farming activities. Our priority should be agro based industries. It can be better for Bihar if more and more companies and processing units are agro based. A large part of migration from our state may stop.

Prof. Dr. Singh says that most of the people moving out of Bihar are engaged in agriculture. Government should focus on agro-based industry and sector. Our university has contributed immensely to the revolution that has taken place in the mango sector in Bihar. As early as 1905, we discovered the world’s first hybrid mango variety. We are number one in Litchi across India. We can work on packaging units. Both the face and character of a state like Bihar can be changed if the budget calls for agro-based industry.

Nothing but agro-based industry

The same progressive farmer Sayandan Suman says, farmers like us never want a steel plant to be set up in their state. Because its raw material has to be imported and it will also spoil our environment. The best agro-based industry should be and established based on raw materials where they are abundant. Ethanol plants can be set up in the state, sugar mills can be set up. A provision can be made in the budget for this.

Sayandan says farmers in Bihar can be happy if sugarcane cultivation is given special emphasis. Apart from this Shahabad region has abundant paddy. If the government makes provision for some agro-based industries in this regard, the picture of these districts can also change. There are many districts in Bihar where this time the mango crop was taken in such quantity that the farmers could not even get their price. If there was a processing plant, this situation might not have arisen. Central and state governments should show their generosity in the important budget for agro-based industries.

Reported by Sujit Kumar

Nita Yadav

Nita Yadav

I am Nita Yadav, specializing in writing about politics and breaking national news. My focus is on delivering insightful and timely perspectives on these crucial topics, aiming to inform and engage my readers effectively.

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