A sensational incident has come to light in Agra where an engineering student from Lucknow was kidnapped and raped in a car. The rapist then threw the student half-naked on the road and left. An engineering student has accused her senior of kidnapping and rape. The student is a resident of Lucknow and studying in Agra. The accused has completed his studies there.
After receiving the complaint, Sikandra police station registered a case and started investigation. A student from Lucknow, who is studying in an engineering institute in the city, has accused her senior of raping her on August 10 by forcing her into a car. The student has lodged a complaint with the police in this matter. In his complaint, the student said that his senior forced him into the car at the turn opposite Guru Ka Tal Gurdwara.
The car had curtains
According to the student, black curtains were also installed in the car. Curtains were also placed there to prevent people from seeing the driver. The accused student was alone in the car. The student said that after putting him in the car, the accused tied his hands and feet. After this, after removing the student’s clothes and making her half naked, the accused raped her. The accused student has also threatened to kill the student if she tells anyone.
The boy complained about the girl
After the whole incident, the student is scared and his life is in danger. The police are actively investigating the case. In-charge of Sikandra Police Station Neeraj Kumar Sharma said that the mobile location of both the boy and the girl is being monitored. Other evidence related to the incident like CCTV camera footage is being collected. The location of the student appears to be in Jammu at the time of the incident. The girl’s location is at the place she mentioned. Earlier also there was a fight between them in which the boy filed a complaint against the girl in the police station. In which a settlement was reached later. No one has been arrested yet.