The Income Tax Department has said that over five crore income tax returns have been filed on the e-filing portal during the current financial year 2024-25, up eight per cent from last year. The department said Infosys has been directed to ensure uninterrupted services and the company has ensured uninterrupted services during peak e-filing periods.
The department provided information.
The department wrote on social media platform X that so far over five crore ITRs have been filed on the Income Tax Department’s e-filing portal for the assessment year 2024-25. This is eight per cent more than the ITR filed last year. The department said that over 28 lakh ITRs were filed on July 26 alone. Over 8.61 crore ITRs were filed in the financial year 2023-24. If you have not been able to file your ITR yet, then this method is for you.
This is the step-by-step process.
- First, go to the Income Tax Department’s e-filing website.
- Now register or login here with the help of your PAN card.
- Now after this, you will need to fill some details like assessment year, ITR form number, ITR type and whether you will be filing the tax online or offline.
- If you are a salaried employee, you will get all these details in your Form 16. To submit the rest, you can choose the online option.
- After you fill in all these details, you will see the option to continue. After this, you will be asked about your status. For example, your
- Whether you are filing an ITR for an individual or for a Hindu undivided family, or for a firm or partnership firm.
- To file ITR in the individual category, you will have two options, one ITR-1 and another ITR-4.
- Both forms are generally filled by those whose annual income is up to Rs 50 lakh. They just have to make different choices depending on their source of income.
- Those who have ITR-1 option need to provide their personal information, total gross income, tax exemption information, tax return information, tax details, etc.
- Information on liability must be completed (calculation is done automatically). This is usually available on Form-16.
- Those opting for ITR-4 must fill returns along with all the information mentioned above.
- Now you are very close to filing your ITR. Finally, you have to validate your ITR. For this, you can take the help of Aadhaar-based OTP. However, you need to link your Aadhar card with the phone number and PAN card.